Explore the region pages in Careerconnectoregon.org
Go to careerconnectoregon.org
1. From the careerconnectoregon.org site, hover over "regions"
When you hover over regions, you'll find a link to each of the region pages.
2. For an example we will view "Lane" region
For an example we will view "Lane" region
3. The Lane region page will open in "ccloregon.org"
The Lane region page will open in "ccloregon.org"
4. Scroll down the site
You will find a brief introduction with an overview of the page
5. Postcards from the field
Postcards from the field are brief news articles of events and updates from the region
6. District Details
See details and information about the region
7. Regional CCL Hub
You'll see a highlight about the regional CCL Hub, in this case it's Lane Community College
8. Where to start
You will find an introduction of where to start based off which community you are a part of
9. CCL Regional Contacts
Each regional page has a list of contacts for that specific region and includes their contact information
10. Essential Links
View and access the essential links for Educators or Students, which are custom for each region
11. CCL Local Places
View local companies, projects, and partners in the region
12. Connect/Contact
Have questions? Feel free to connect with us in the form provided in each regional page
This guide covered navigating, accessing, and viewing specific content the regional pages.